Blog Archives

Database Trial: Eighteenth Century Journals Portal

Eighteenth Century Journals Portal brings together rare journals and newspapers printed between c.1685 and 1835, illuminating all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Many are ephemeral, lasting only for a handful of issues, others run for several years.

Posted in Cultural Analysis & Theory, Database Trials, Economics, French, History, Journalism, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Women's Studies, Writing and Literature

Spotlight: Project MUSE

Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social sciences content; its electronic journal collections support a wide array of research. MUSE is a source of complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world’s leading university presses

Posted in Academic Subjects, Africana Studies, Anthropology, Art, Arts & Humanities, Asian and Asian American Studies, Atheletic Training, Biology, Business, Chemical Engineering & Material Science, Chemistry, Chinese Studies, Cinema Studies, Classics, Computer Science, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Dance, Databases, eBooks, Economics, Education, eJournals, Engineering, Environmental Art, Architecture and Design, Environmental Humanities, Featured, Film Studies, Game Studies, Geosciences, History, Italian American Studies, Japanese Studies, Journalism, Korean Studies, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Religious Studies, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Sociology, South Asian Studies, Sustainability, Technology, Theatre, Women's Studies, Writing and Literature

Project Muse Premium

Project Muse is a scholarly database similar to JSTOR that offers full-text versions of over 600 peer-reviewed journals from many of the world’s leading university presses and scholarly societies. Subject areas include: Area and Ethnic Studies; Art and Architecture; Creative

Posted in Africana Studies, Anthropology, Art, Arts & Humanities, Asian and Asian American Studies, Cinema Studies, Comparative Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Databases, Digital Collections, Economics, Education, Electronic Resources, Film Studies, French, German, History, Libraries, Medicine, MFA Theatre & Film, Music, New and Notable, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Research, School of Professional Development, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Sociology, Sustainability, Theatre, Women's Studies, Writing and Literature

When Games Went Click: The Story of Tennis for Two

Created in 1958 by American physicist William A. Higinbotham for visitors at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)  in Upton, NY, Tennis for Two is pivotal in the history of video games. The documentary “When Games Went Click: The Story of Tennis for Two” chronicles

Posted in Comparative Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Game Studies, New and Notable, Special Collections & University Archives

DATABASE TRIAL: The North China Herald (1850-1940)

TRIAL THROUGH JUNE 15, 2013. The English North China Herald is a crucial resource for the history of the foreign presence in China from 1850 through 1940. As the official journal for British consular notifications, and announcements of the Shanghai

Posted in Asian and Asian American Studies, Business, Chinese Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Database Trials, Digital Collections, Government Information, History, Japanese Studies, Journalism, Korean Studies, Maps, Political Science, Social Sciences, Sociology, South Asian Studies

South Asian Women’s Creative Collective’s literary festival

November 30-December 1, 2012 in New York City. Storytelling and creative processes have undergone a revolution in the digital age. We dip in and out of different forms of media, borrow from each other every day, and create completely new

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Asian and Asian American Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, South Asian Studies, Writing and Literature

DATABASE TRIAL: British Records on the Atlantic World, 1700-1900

British Records on the Atlantic World, 1700-1900 focuses on the two centuries of Britain’s colonial, missionary, commercial and literary relations with Africa and the Americas. The database contains 14 collections of rare primary source documents, with the total number of

Posted in Africana Studies, Arts & Humanities, Business, Chinese Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Database Trials, Education, History, Political Science, Sociology

DATABASE TRIAL: New World Cinema: Independent Features and Shorts, 1990–Present

200 full length feature films from leading independent distributors…

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Cinema Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Database Trials, Film Studies, MFA Theatre & Film, Writing and Literature

35th Annual Asian American International Film Festival in NYC

Asian CineVision (ACV) presents the Asian American International Film Festival, July 25-Aug. 5 in New York City.

Posted in Asian and Asian American Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Film Studies

Book Award Winners

Association for Asian American Studies announces book award winners.

Posted in Asian and Asian American Studies, Chinese Studies, Comparative Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Japanese Studies, Korean Studies, South Asian Studies