Blog Archives

North Reading Room Soft Opening

Last week, library faculty and staff gathered to celebrate the official unveiling of the new North Reading Room (previously the Science & Engineering Library) in the Melville Library. Dean Constantia Constantinou videoed in to share her excitement as everyone was

Posted in About Us, Events, Libraries, Melville Library, Renovation News

SBU Libraries Colloquium Series

Yesterday the University Libraries wrapped up the semester with the latest installment its Colloquium Series. This monthly event invites library faculty and staff to share current research, achievements, professional development activities and ideas with their colleagues, encouraging collaboration and innovation across

Posted in About Us, Discovery and Digital Initiatives, Events, Health Sciences Library, Libraries, Melville Library

Title IX Training

Earlier this month, library faculty and staff attended a Title IX training on sexual harassment and other sexual misconducts. The training included information on the following topics: What are appropriate/inappropriate behaviors. What to do if you or someone is subjected

Posted in About Us, Education, Libraries

Extended Hours – Major Changes Coming to the SBU Southampton Library

In an effort to provide extended services to a budding enrollment, the Stony Brook Southampton Library has, and will continue to make major changes to their services and online resources. The changes started late in April when the Southampton branch

Posted in About Us, Featured, Hours, Libraries, Library Outreach, New and Notable, Southampton

24/7 Hours for Finals

Melville Library (Central Reading Room) is now open 24/7 for finals, through May 18, 2016. May 1 – 17: 24 hours May 18: Closes at 5:00PM Best of luck on your finals!  

Posted in About Us

Need some inspiration for your research? Consider SBU Libraries’ “Old News” Databases

Primary sources are endlessly fascinating and can add value to research in a variety of disciplines.  Newspapers from another time add perspective and help the modern researcher to better understand the events, ideas, and preoccupations of the past.  The searchability

Posted in About Us

SBU Librarians Present at English Department Lightning Talks

Kathleen Kasten (Head of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Lis Pankl (Head of Academic Engagement) presented on Library Resources & Services for Graduate Students in English at the first English Department Lightning Talks event on 4/19/2016. Also presenting were faculty and

Posted in About Us, Events, Libraries, Library Outreach, Melville Library, Research

Improv Workshop for Library Liaisons

The improv workshop with Louisa Johnson with the SBU Libraries was a great success! In our three hour session, we identified our communication challenges as liaisons at SBU, developed best practices for addressing the needs of our user groups, and enhanced

Posted in About Us, Events, Libraries, Library Outreach, Melville Library

Library Liaisons to attend Improv Workshop with Louisa Johnson

Alda Center Improvisation Workshop (3-hour session) This unique improvisation based workshop was pioneered by science advocate, Alan Alda. Library liaisons will take part in improvisational theater exercises aimed at helping them connect more directly and spontaneously with different audiences. This

Posted in About Us, Events, Libraries, Library Outreach

SBU Libraries Present #StudentStaffSpotlight

Student staff make up an essential part of the SBU Libraries community. Working on the ‘front lines’ of the library, they are often responsible for assisting patrons, providing circulation services, and much more. In order to highlight these contributions to

Posted in About Us, Stony Brook University