Blog Archives

NIH Public Access Policy Now In Effect

Effective April 7th, 2008 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) made the dissemination of NIH-funded research results mandatory (NIH Public Access Policy, PL 110-161). Any peer-reviewed article or manuscript accepted for publication that results in whole or in part from

Posted in Research, Scholarly Communication

Authors: Check your H-index in the Web of Science

The H-index measures the productivity of a researcher and the impact of their work. The Web of Science offers a calculation of an author’s H-index based on all of an author’s publications that are indexed by the Web of Science.

Posted in Databases, Scholarly Communication, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Summary of ARTstor’s 2007 additions

In 2007 ARTstor added 29 new collections, and added content to 11 existing collections. See the full release of information from ARTstor about the collections they added, enhanced, and updated in 2007.

Posted in Art, Databases

New Videos! The Criterion Collection

The Library has acquired about 85% of The Criterion Collection of DVDs, and will continue to collect titles as they are produced. The collection includes about 400 movies in DVD format, a little over half of which have already been

Posted in Film Studies

Science of Synthesis Workshop

A workshop on how to use the online version of the Science of Synthesis Thursday, November 8th from 3:30pm -4:30pmLibrary Classroom A, Central Reading Room, 1st Floor of the Melville Library About the Science of Synthesis The premier reference source

Posted in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Small Business Resource Center Trial through August 31, 2007

The Library has a trial subscription, through August 31, 2007, to Gale’s Small Business Resource Center, a comprehensive database offering content that covers all major areas of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax

Posted in Database Trials

LitFinder Trial through August 31, 2007

The Library has a trial subscription through August 31, 2007 to Gale’s LitFinder database, which contains 135,000 full-text poems, stories, plays and more. Please explore LitFinder and then leave a comment here at Screenings to let us know what you

Posted in Database Trials

Biography Resource Center Trial through August 31, 2007

Through August 31, 2007, the Library offers a trial subscription to Gale’s Biography Resource Center, a comprehensive biographical reference database in the areas of literature, science, multicultural studies, business, entertainment, politics, sports, government, history, current events and the arts. After

Posted in Database Trials


DOES GOD EXIST ONLINE? Theme and Variations by Paul B. Wiener Librarians know better than most people how easy it is to find the answer to a question. They also know how hard the search can be. That’s because most

Posted in Library Science

New Online Reference Titles

250 reference titles are now available online via the Gale Virtual Reference Collection. The entire collection can be searched as a whole or titles within a subject area or even single titles. The complete texts of these titles are searchable.

Posted in Reference