Survey re: Public Library Services and Community Needs During Extreme Events

Stony Brook University’s Department of Civil Engineering, School of Marine and Atmospheric, and the University Libraries are conducting an anonymous survey, which was approved by the IRB, to identify gaps between community needs and available services at Long Island public libraries during extreme weather conditions.  You can find additional information about this pilot study in the attached flier.

The research team appreciates the input from the public library users and the general public for this study.  You can use this link or scan the QR code in the flier to start the survey.

Thank you for your time and participation.

The Research Team at Stony Brook University:

  • PI: Dr. Anil Yazici, Department of Civil Engineering
  • Co-PI: Dr. Donovan Finn, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Co-PI: Clara Tran, University Libraries
  • PhD Student: Mahsa Bargahi, Department of Civil Engineering
Clara Tran

Clara Tran

Head, Science and Engineering at Stony Brook University Libraries
Clara is the member of the Library STEM Team.
Clara Tran
Posted in Civil Engineering, SoMAS Tagged with: