Working Groups

Academic Engagement Working Group

The Academic Engagement Working Group explores methods for the University Libraries’ participation in the entire life cycle of research and learning on campus. The Working Group guides the enhancement of engagement activities, course integrated and embedded instruction, online research guides, and workshops. The Group defines and prioritizes strategies for assessment and reflective practices in order to understand the University Libraries’ impact on student success. Regularly consulting with liaisons for special projects in their subject areas, the Working Group focuses on partnering the University Libraries with the larger University community to build deeper engagement practices as well as address information and research needs.

Membership: Chris Kretz (chair), Clara Tran, Christine Fena, Chris Filstrup, Claire Payne, Abigail Streeter, Janet Clarke.

Access Services Working Group

The Access Services working group focuses on issues surrounding policies and procedures related to circulation, reserves, and interlibrary loan. The working group seeks to enhance services and facilitate access to the resources at the Stony Brook University Libraries.

Membership: Jennifer DeVito (chair), Donna Darling, Matthew Hartman, Kenneth Schaal, Giulieta Stoianov, Deborah Tomengo, Chrysovalantou Tsoumpelis

Assessment Working Group

The Assessment Working Group strives to:

  • Gather and analyze quantitative and qualitative data to assess Library programs, services, and resources that support the University’s research and learning goals.
  • Communicate assessment findings and activities through website and other channels.
  • Demonstrate the Library’s value, quality, and impact on student academic success and engagement.
  • Increase the Library’s visibility and strengthen relationships with departments throughout campus.
  • Contribute to the research literature in Library and Information Science and assessment in Higher Education.
  • Support all units within the Library with their assessment needs.

Membership: Janet Clarke (chair), Jamie Saragossi, Jennifer DeVito, Clara Tran, Chris Kretz, Jessica Koos.

Communications & Outreach Working Group

The Communications and Outreach Working Group recommends strategies, policies, and procedures to ensure that events align with and fully support the University Libraries’ mission, vision, and goals.  The Working Group collaborates closely with Library faculty and staff to plan, promote, and execute cultural, scholarly and advancement events and programs in the Library.  Also, the Working Group coordinates and oversees the Library’s full-range of publicity and communications strategies for consistent messaging and branding of its resources, services, and programs.

Membership: Stacey Horath (chair), Charles Edwards, Jessica Infanzon, Chris Kretz, Claire Payne, Janet Clarke, Lisa Socci.

Digital Humanities Working Group

The Digital Humanities Working Group guides library engagement in digital humanities work on campus, with an emphasis on the ways in which the University Libraries can provide leadership and vision in this dynamic area of inquiry.  The Working Group plans programming, offers a framework for research consultations, and works with liaisons to engage with faculty and students on teaching, learning, and research activities in the digital humanities.

Membership: Shafeek Fazal, Chris Kretz, Claire Payne, Victoria Pilato, Jamie Saragossi.

Digital Initiatives Working Group

The University Libraries’ Digital Initiatives Working Group provides leadership and direction on digital initiatives, including, but not limited to, digital project creation, digital preservation, digitization services, metadata, discoverability, and accessibility.

Membership: Victoria Pilato (chair), Shafeek Fazal, John Fitzgerald, Jessica Koos, Chris Kretz, Kristen Nyitray, and Jason Torre.

Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee

Respect for diversity is a fundamental value of Stony Brook University and the University Libraries, and is identified among the core values of our strategic growth. Working in parallel with the Office of the SBU’s Chief Diversity Officer the University Libraries Committee on Equity, Inclusion and Diversity will strive to:

  • increase awareness and sensitivity among library staff
  • recommend policies and projects that embed diversity and inclusion into the Libraries’ services and work environments
  • envision events that build cultural awareness and provide the tools needed to strengthen work relationships and build a supportive SBU community

Membership: Victor Santiago (chair), Claire Payne (past chair), Christine Fena, Stacey Horath, Chris Kretz, Mona Ramonetti, and River Amin.

Lead Selectors Working Group

The Lead Selectors Working Group guides the development and preservation of a rich and diverse network of scholarly, cultural and informational resources in support of the University’s mission of excellence in scholarship, research, teaching, creativity, health care and economic and technological development. The working group supports the University’s teaching and research missions locally and globally by:

  • Providing leadership for the creation of a resource-rich scholarly environment
  • Implementing a framework for acquiring and preserving world-class scholarly collections
  • Assessing and anticipating the needs of a constantly evolving learning and research community

Membership: Shafeek Fazal, Kristen Nyitray, Mona Ramonetti, Jamie Saragossi, Clara Tran.

Subject Teams Working Group

The Subject Teams Working Group enhances scholarly productivity and student achievement, and actively engages in all aspects of SBU’s research and learning life cycles.

Membership: Janet Clarke (chair), Clara Tran, Shafeek Fazal.

Scholarly Communication Working Group

The Scholarly Communication Working Group acts to support the mission of the Center for Scholarly Communication and provides expertise, information and resources to authors, researchers and students:

  • Meeting public access mandates;
  • Promoting and teaching scholarly communication skills, practice and tools to the academic community through workshops, events, course-integrated instruction and discussion
  • Understanding the dynamic scholarly publishing environment and leveraging author’s copyright
  • Utilizing open access for the sharing and discovery of scholarship, research and data.
  • Discovering, using and creating Open Educational Resources (OER).

Membership: Mona Ramonetti (chair), Jennifer DeVito, Shafeek Fazal, Jessica Koos, Chris Kretz, Claire Payne, Laurel Scheinfeld, Clara Tran, Hu Wang.

Virtual Presence Steering Group

The Virtual Presence Steering Group provides guidance for the development, management, and ongoing assessment of the University Libraries’ virtual presence, including all web services platforms. In conversation and collaboration with the diverse user groups at Stony Brook University, the Group defines and prioritizes strategies for making the most effective use of the Libraries’ web and mobile environments. Focusing on innovation and user satisfaction, the Virtual Presence Steering group conducts regular usability testing and works holistically, establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships with other library units and working groups.

Membership: Claire Payne (chair), Shafeek Fazal, Christine Fena, Stacey Horath, Kimberly Kennedy, Timothy Kohn, Chris Kretz