Dr. Arianna Maffei on “Neural Mechanisms for Taste Learning”

On October 19, 2021, Dr. Arianna Maffei presented the second lecture of the fall 2021 STEM speaker series at the University Libraries.

Dr. Arianna Maffei discussed her recent work that she has been studying in the lab for the past 4 years regarding the taste system.  The taste system is responsible for the perception of taste or flavor.  Dr. Maffei’s lab uses mice for controlled experiments to find out if experience with food influences food preferences, and if taste experience is affecting GC circuits throughout life or if it is limited to early development.

The interesting talk was well-attended by the audience, who asked thought-provoking questions.

Clara Tran

Clara Tran

Head, Science and Engineering at Stony Brook University Libraries
Clara is the member of the Library STEM Team.
Email: clara.tran@stonybrook.edu
Clara Tran
Posted in About Us, Biology, Chemistry, Research, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics