Women’s History month is a celebration of the shared stories and achievements of so many influential and well known figures. From American Abolitionist Harriet Tubman to American Astronomer Vera Rubin, there is no shortage of inspirational narratives. So this month the Health Sciences Library at Stony Brook University is dedicating a display to narrate eleven stories of women who have served in the medical and health sciences.

You can view the display online by clicking Women’s History month series. And don’t forget to check out our social media pages and posts as we highlight the stories of these women on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can find us using the social media handle @SBULibrary.
Our display showcases the outstanding contributions and service from women in the medical and health sciences, and recognizes the pioneering innovators and activists whose work and achievements have reshaped the landscape of healthcare and medicine. While all faced serious challenges because of their gender – many paved the way for the advancement of more women into the field of science. So let this month be an opportunity to engage in the accomplishments and successes of women from all around the world and begin a new narrative of equality that extends far beyond.

The Women’s History month display is located near the entrance of the Health Sciences Library, across from the service desk.
If you’d like to learn more about these women of science check out the list of library resources used in our research:
- American National Biography – www.anb.org.proxy.library.stonybrook.edu
- Britannica Online Academic Edition – https://academic-eb-com.proxy.library.stonybrook.edu
- EBSCOhost – Biography Index Past and Present (H.W. Wilson)
- National Institutes of Health – https://history.nih.gov
- JSTOR – www.jstor.org.proxy.library.stonybrook.edu
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