HSL Student Spotlight

Student Profile

Name: Christopher DeBellis

Major: Physical Therapy

Year: Doctorate

Career aspiration: Neuro Physical Therapy or Pediatric Physical Therapy

Favorite library location: The Health Sciences Library of course!

Favorite place to study: Tucked into a corner cubicle in the quiet section of the HSL

Tips for first time students using the library: Definitely explore what the library has to offer. There are lots of online great resources here, such as Access Medicine, Dynamed, Clinical Key and more!

This month’s Student Spotlight welcomes Christopher DeBellis. In 2019 Chris graduated from SUNY Cortland with a Bachelor’s of Science in Exercise Science. His commitment and intellect earned him a spot on the presidents list five times, while making the dean’s list every semester. He was also awarded Member Honor Society for International Studies and the 2018-19 Fitness Supervisor of the Year Award. In 2017, Chris spent a semester studying abroad at Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln in Cologne, Germany. In addition to his academic success, Chris dedicated his free time to the Cortland campus community as a member of the Campus EMS Agency serving as Captain, Lieutenant and Crew Chief, earning both Member of the Year and Life Time Member awards.

Chris is currently a student employee for the SBU Libraries, and has quickly solidified his place as one of our top student staff. Catching on very quickly, he’s learned about the library’s many print and online resources, and has become effective in connecting patrons to the information they need. Chris is highly motivated and is always ready to help.

So far Chris is having an amazing journey filled with accolades and a bright future, In his own words, “So far I have had a great experience in my time here at SBU. There are people here who are eager to help and watch you become successful as we pave the way towards our own success.” We’re very grateful to have Chris with us this semester and wish him all the best at Stony Brook University and beyond. Update: due to the COVID-19 pandemic many of our student staff have had to leave campus. Chris stayed with us for as long as possible when the libraries remained staffed. We hope to have him back as soon as we return to our normal operations.

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Posted in About Us, Health Sciences Library, Libraries, Library Outreach, Spotlight, Stony Brook University