Tech Spotlight: Productivity Special

The dog days of summer include working like a dog for many Stony Brook scholars. Here are some of the best technologies to keep your writing and research game hot while the temps rise:

White Noise
Time away from your quiet office can be productive too! These white noise generators make any café, bus, train, or crowded car into a productivity zone.

  • Simply Noise features white, pink, and brown noise in your browser.
  • Soundrown has several options for ambient noise so you can create the seaside café with a fireplace or rainy aviary of your auditory dreams.
  • Noisli has apps for Android and iOS in addition to a website so you can blend sixteen different sounds from the comfort of your computer or on the go.

Working on new (or a few) projects is tough. These tools will help keep everything on track.

  • Boomerang is an extension for Gmail that lets you schedule the delivery of future emails or “boomerang” emails you have received so they magically disappear and then come back to your inbox when you’re ready to work.
  • Scrivener is a writing tool that goes way beyond word processing to help you organize, edit, and produce your drafts.

Procrastination Busters
Motivation can be tough when the beach is calling. These apps and sites can help you break through your summer brain and get more done.

  • Pomodoro Time is a Mac app that will help you master the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of sustained work followed by a 5 minute break). This app is beautiful, clean, and flexible.
  • Freedom is an app for those who need to be put in a prison of their own design in order to get things done! The software blocks any sites you choose (social media is a popular choice) across all your devices for pre-scheduled work sessions.
  • Take a Five is a browser-based site that lets you create a tab that will self destruct after an interval you set. If you simply must check Twitter, this site will ensure that your visit is limited.
Posted in Emerging Technology, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics