Blog Archives

Grant for Studying How Public Libraries Can Help Prepare For Extreme Weather

The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, and the University Libraries at SBU are currently collaborating on a grant project to identify gaps between community needs and available services at Long Island libraries that serve socio-economically

Posted in Engineering, Libraries, Research, STEM, Sustainability

Dr. Chi-Kuo Hu on “Stopping the clock of life – diapause and its ability to suspend and preserve life”

On November 15, 2022 Dr. Chi-Kuo Hu shared his intriguing research on better understanding life with audiences at the University Libraries. Interested in learning about phases in our life, Dr. Hu studies the African killifish’s dormant state, which is called

Posted in About Us, Biology, Chemistry, Research, STEM

Dr. Christopher Gobler on “Decoding harmful algal bloom with molecular tools”

On October 6, 2022, Dr. Christopher Gobler presented the first lecture of the fall 2022 STEM Speaker Series at the University Libraries. Dr. Christopher Gobler talked about many harmful algal blooms containing toxic compounds that impact all levels of marine

Posted in Events, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, MASIC, Research, STEM

“Decoding harmful algal bloom with molecular tools” Presented by Dr. Christopher Gobler

The University Libraries is very pleased to announce its first lecture of the fall 2022 STEM Speaker Series presented by Dr. Christopher Gobler, Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology and Conservation and Professor from School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. Date:

Posted in Events, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, MASIC, Research, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM

2022 Fall Semester: Reference and Virtual Chat Services

Welcome to the new semester!  Need help with research?  We are here to help! There are many ways you can connect to librarians for research assistance. You can connect with a librarian virtually via our chat service. Virtual weekday chat

Posted in Libraries, Reference, Research Tagged with: , ,

Dr. Marine Frouin on “Luminescence dating: how grains of sand can shed new light on human prehistory”

On April 5, 2022, Dr. Marine Frouin presented her talk “Luminescence dating: how grains of sand can shed new light on human prehistory” for the University Libraries’ STEM Speaker Series. Sand, which has been exposed to light during transport, can

Posted in About Us, Anthropology, Geosciences, Research, STEM

Dr. Aruna Balasubramanian on “Is the mobile web experience improving?”

Dr. Aruna Balasubramanian presented the first Spring STEM lecture online on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Dr. Balasubramanian and her research team use various metrics to measure web performance and user experience. As webpage load times are critical, her research team

Posted in Computer Science, Research, STEM

“Is the Mobile Web Experience Improving?” Presented by Dr. Aruna Balasubramanian

Curious about how well your phone is performing in terms of web access? Spend an hour with our STEM speaker, Dr. Aruna Balasubramanian from the Department of Computer Science to learn about “Is the Mobile Web Experience Improving?” Date/Time: Wednesday,

Posted in Computer Science, Research, STEM, Technology

Spring 2022 Library Research and Chat Services

Welcome to the new semester! Need help with research? We are here to help! There are many ways you can connect to librarians for research assistance. In the Spring semester, you can connect with a librarian virtually via our chat

Posted in About Us, Libraries, Reference, Research

Student Survey on Reference Service Model

University Libraries would like to gauge student opinions regarding our reference service model.   The survey contains 6 questions and will take only a minute to complete.  Please use your phone to scan the QR code on this page to start

Posted in About Us