Although Open Access leverages the availability of your research to a broad spectrum of audiences, it does not guarantee the visibility of your work due to the abundance of literature available online. To overcome this setback you can use Kudos as a toolkit to promote your work, increase citations and make sure your findings reach the appropriate audience. Kudos is a free website that you can use to create a profile and display all your publications which would help you track the impact of your research in the scientific community. Kudos has helps authors increase the impact and citations of the their research by 19% and sometimes more. A lot of prestigious scientific publishing institutions are partners with Kudos; such as, Altmetric, Crossref, Thomson Reuters, Europe PMC and ORCID. To learn more about author metrics, see our page on Evaluating Author Impact.
This platform will enable you to:
Write a brief catchy description about the article and its impact
- Attach supplementary resources such as videos, graphs or datasets
- Post a direct link of your article on the publishers site
- Share it through Facebook or Twitter or by email in addition to tracking the responses you received through Kudos
- You can measure how effective your posts are and how much citations and visibility your research is receiving through an extensive set of metrics the website uses
Visit the website:
For a step by step tutorial watch this video: