Evaluating Author Impact

Why would you want to evaluate an author?

There are steps researchers can take to figure out whether findings reported in research articles are plausible. One step is to investigate the source, including evaluating author(s), the article and the journal. For example, an accomplished researcher who works in an established academic institution is less likely to write a faulty research article. Researchers also would want to evaluate the authors of a research article when considering a possible collaboration opportunity.
The resources listed on this page help you assess authors and the quality of their work. In addition, each source provides users with specific metrics and information about authors that might overlap, or vary. In order to have a comprehensive overview about an author, be aware of the different kinds of metrics and information provided by different websites. It’s a good practice to check metrics from at least two or three sources to form an objective picture about an author’s achievements.
On this page we will display an explanation about evaluating authors’ metrics and resources to help you in your search:


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There are a lot of sources that provide comprehensive metrics about author that would help formulate a rounded opinion about authors’ scientific contributions.

Thomson Reuters Most Influential Researchers 2015

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Web of Science

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Microsoft Academic Search

Microsoft Academic Search is a semantic network that includes bibliographic information about academic articles. The database encompasses details about research articles, journals, proceedings, conferences, authors and universities. In 2014, its database contained 15 different disciplines and more than 200 sub-domains.  The features include: profile page for each author, publications list, details about yearly citation, information about collaboration with other research, research keywords, affiliations and a feature to filter data by year.


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Retraction Watch

Retraction Watch is a blog created with the purpose of sharing information about retracted research articles. It sheds the light on unethical practices or faults in scientific research. The blog enables users to search  retraction history of authors and publishers. It also provides the users with the ability to search by different categories such as country, journal, subject, and type. Also it enables users to post news about new retracted articles and to comment on posts about retracted articles.

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About Academia.edu. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2016, from http://www.academia.edu/about

About Google Scholar. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from https://www.google.com/intl/en-us/scholar/about.html

Bornmann, L., & Marx, W. (2013). How to evaluate individual researchers working in the natural and life sciences meaningfully? A proposal of methods based on percentiles of citations. Scientometrics, 98(1), 487-509. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-013-1161-y

Dyas, E. (2014, May 8). The Scopus h-index, what’s it all about? Part I. Retrieved February 09, 2016, from http://blog.scopus.com/posts/the-scopus-h-index-what-s-it-all-about-part-i

Fenner, M. (2013, November 6). Evaluating Impact: What’s your number? Retrieved February 10, 2016, from http://blogs.plos.org/tech/evaluating-impact-whats-your-number/

Impact Factors, Cited References, h-index, and Journal Abbreviations – Stony Brook University Libraries Research & Subject Guide

Roemer, R. C., & Borchardt, R. Institutional Altmetrics and Academic Libraries. Information Standards Quarterly, Summer 2013, 25(2): 14-19.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3789/isqv25no2.2013.03