Visual Culture and Textuality in Colonial Spanish America (16th-18th centuries): “Spiritual Borderlands” Panel

Date: 03/05/2020

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Special Collections Seminar Room


As a co-sponsor of the bilingual Visual Culture and Textuality in Colonial Spanish American (16th-18th Centuries) International Symposium, the University Libraries will host the first panel, “Spiritual Borderlands.”

The “Spiritual Borderlands” panel includes two presentations by Alejandro Caneque, Associate Professor of History at the University of Maryland, and Andrew Newman, Professor of English at Stony Brook University. Caneque will present “Textual and Visual Images of Martyrdom on the Frontiers of the Spanish Empire in the New World”. Newman will present “Invisible Books: Spiritual Intertexts in Cotton Mather’s ‘A Brand Pluck’d out of the Burning.” Stony Brook University professors Paul Firbas and Karen Lloyd will provide opening remarks and moderate, respectively.

More information is available on the symposium website.

Kate Kasten-Mutkus

Kate Kasten-Mutkus

Head of Humanities & Social Sciences at Stony Brook University Libraries
Kate is Head of Humanities and Social Sciences at Stony Brook University Libraries. She is the liaison to the French & Francophone Studies program and the Russian Studies program.
Kate Kasten-Mutkus
Posted in Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences Events, Campus Events