Blog Archives

Head of Reference publishes Duras book

The University Libraries heartily congratulates Hélène Volat, our Head of Reference and Information Services, on the recent publication of her book Les Ecrits de Marguerite Duras. Bibliographie des oeuvres et de la critique 1940-2006 which she co-authored with Robert Harvey

Posted in Reference, Scholarly Communication

NIH Public Access Policy Now In Effect

Effective April 7th, 2008 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) made the dissemination of NIH-funded research results mandatory (NIH Public Access Policy, PL 110-161). Any peer-reviewed article or manuscript accepted for publication that results in whole or in part from

Posted in Research, Scholarly Communication

Authors: Check your H-index in the Web of Science

The H-index measures the productivity of a researcher and the impact of their work. The Web of Science offers a calculation of an author’s H-index based on all of an author’s publications that are indexed by the Web of Science.

Posted in Databases, Scholarly Communication, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Bibliographer Extraordinare!

Janet Clarke, selector for Asian American Studies (and Head of Library Instruction), was a contributing bibliographer for the forthcoming Resources for College Libraries (RCL), which is the long-awaited update to Books for College Libraries, 3rd edition (BCL3), published in 1988.

Posted in Asian and Asian American Studies, Scholarly Communication

Create Change

The Create Change website is a resource which addresses issues in scholarly communication. The site is geared toward helping faculty and other researchers learn about sharing and using their research more effectively in a world where the scholarly communication model

Posted in Library Science, Scholarly Communication