Blog Archives

Historical Research Workshop on 3/9

Using the Internet for Historical ResearchMore and more valuable historical information can now be found on the internet, especially primary source material being digitized by libraries and research institutions around the world. This workshop will highlight some of the most

Posted in Library Instruction

Non-Traditional Students Workshop on 3/5

Research Skills for Non-Traditional Students Been out of school for a while and feeling lost? Working and going to school, and pressed for the time needed to do research? Learn how to: Access Stony Brook University resources from off-campus Explore

Posted in Library Instruction

Film Research Workshop on 3/4

You think writing a paper about a movie is easy? Professors aren’t the only people who understand The Matrix! We’ll show you how interesting film research really is, so your parents will never make fun of you again. Find where

Posted in Library Instruction

EndNote Workshop @ HSC on 3/2

Managing Your Research Using Endnote: Basic Skills @ the Health Sciences Center This workshop was created with the needs of students, faculty and staff of the Health Sciences Center in mind. The workshop will be held in Classroom 2 at

Posted in Library Instruction

EndNote Workshop on 2/25

Creating the bibliography is often the most tedious part of writing a research paper. Using EndNote, a bibliographic management software program, this task just became much easier. In this workshop learn: How to create an EndNote Library How to download

Posted in Library Instruction

Business Databases Workshop on 2/25

With websites like Yahoo Finance, CNN Money, etc., why do you need the library’s databases? Come and find out how to: Access information on public companies Locate current business news and market research Select the appropriate database for your research

Posted in Library Instruction

LibX SBU Edition Workshop on 2/24

LibX is a browser toolbar extension for Firefox and Internet Explorer that provides direct access to the library’s resources without requiring a visit to the library website. Effortlessly switch between exploring the Internet and exploring the library. Learn how to:

Posted in Library Instruction

Newspaper Workshop on Feb. 19

Extra! Extra! You Can Overcome Frustration with Newspaper Research! This session examines ways to find current and historical articles in newspapers. We’ll look at online indexes and collections of digitized newspapers, as well as explore old-fashioned ways to dig in

Posted in Library Instruction

Journal Articles Workshop on Feb. 18

Where are the Journal Articles? You’ve been asked to write a research paper using at least three journal articles from peer-reviewed journals. What does that mean and how do you find them? This workshop will go over:• Where to find

Posted in Library Instruction

Get Your Learn On: Web Research 2.0 on Feb. 12

Get Your Learn On: Web Research 2.0 Web research is like juggling dynamite: done right it’s spectacular, done wrong it blows up in your face. Learn how to do it right:• 10 rules for effective Web research• Tools and applications

Posted in Library Instruction