Blog Archives

Robert Browning Bicentennial Celebration, Thursday September 20

Please join us at a Bicentennial Celebration for poet and playwright Robert Browning on Thursday, September 20 at 4 p.m. Featured speakers: Mark Samuels Lasner, Senior Research Fellow, University of Delaware Library Edward Giuliano, President, New York Institute of Technology

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Events, Special Collections & University Archives

NYS Poet and Author Announced

Marie Howe to serve as the 10th New York State Poet, Alison Lurie as the 10th New York State Author. Marie Howe succeeds Jean Valentine as NYS Poet and joins a long line of distinguished poets who have served in

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Writing and Literature

ECCO–The Eighteenth Century Online

  Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) is   a major digital collection consisting of every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas. Includes over 180,000

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Digital Collections, eBooks, Social Sciences

NEW! American Periodicals Series Online

Over 1,100 American magazines spanning 200 years and covering nearly every aspect of American culture.

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Databases, History, Journalism, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Social Sciences, Theatre, Writing and Literature

Aung San Suu Kyi finally delivered her Nobel Lecture

In 1991, Burmese Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest and unable to collect Nobel Peace Prize. On 16 June, 2012, she finally delivered her Nobel Lecture in Oslo, Norway. Watch the video presented by and read Suu

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Asian and Asian American Studies, Chinese Studies, History, Japanese Studies, Journalism, Korean Studies, Social Sciences, Sociology, South Asian Studies

New Electronic Collections Available: EEBO

Over the past two years, the University Libraries has been able to purchase some key research collections of primary resources. One such resource is Early English Books Online (EEBO). It includes digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Databases, Digital Collections, eBooks, Electronic Resources, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Social Sciences