Let’s go on a little fishing trip. There’s nothing else I can call it: you’re at a website you wanted to be at, you start exploring it, and then….maybe that site’s URL is intriguing. Or maybe you see all those…
Let’s go on a little fishing trip. There’s nothing else I can call it: you’re at a website you wanted to be at, you start exploring it, and then….maybe that site’s URL is intriguing. Or maybe you see all those…
by Susan Lieberthal The Library Staff at the Melville Library has been participating all summer in the numerous orientation days organized for new incoming students at Stony Brook. Orientation begins in the lobby of the SAC. Several vendors and university…
Our trial access to IBISWorld Industry Intelligence has been extended until Aug 11th. Please take a test drive of IBISWorld and then respond to our evaluation survey. For more information about this trial please see the previous Screenings post.
Janet Clarke, selector for Asian American Studies (and Head of Library Instruction), was a contributing bibliographer for the forthcoming Resources for College Libraries (RCL), which is the long-awaited update to Books for College Libraries, 3rd edition (BCL3), published in 1988.…
The library has arranged for a trial of Biological Abstracts (pdf description) and Zoological Record (pdf description). Access to these databases is currently available via our Web Of Knowledge link. The trial runs from July 12 to Aug 10. Feedback,…
by Susan Kaufman What is all the buzz about plagiarism today and why does it really matter? Consider the following: Doris Kearns Goodwin, a Pulitzer winning historian for her book, No Ordinary Time (1995), full professor at Harvard, commentator on…
ARTstor is a digital initiative by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. It is a repository for thousands of digital images and data. Images and their respective collections in ARTstor represent a broad range of cultures and time periods. Students are…
by Paul B. Wiener All definitions of information may have only one thing in common: they assume it is recognizable. One definition I especially like says: it is a measure of how surprising something is. True, that comes from a…
The Create Change website is a resource which addresses issues in scholarly communication. The site is geared toward helping faculty and other researchers learn about sharing and using their research more effectively in a world where the scholarly communication model…
Google has introduced one of those new search applications that’s just the kind of thing that makes many librarians distrust Googled information. It’s called Google Trends and it provides context-free information that seems to have no bearing outside the arcane…