Blog Archives

Whan that Aprille, with his shoures soote

Thus begins The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, reminding us that April is National Poetry Month. Whether or not you agree with Chaucer that April showers are sweet, you can still celebrate poetry month at SBU Libraries, where poetry is

Posted in Books, Databases, Digital Collections, eBooks, Electronic Resources, Research, Writing and Literature

New Library Faculty Publication

Ann Whitney Gleason, Head of the Health Sciences Library, is the author of the recently published book Mobile Technologies for Every Library, published by the Medical Libraries Association. More Resources Mobile Resources and Apps for Library Research – Health Sciences

Posted in Health Sciences Library, HSL, Scholarly Communication

What You Need To Do While You’re In School

Emily Warren is a Spring 2015 Library Intern.  She will be posting about excellent resources to enhance the undergraduate experience. So, you’re currently taking classes at SBU, while probably working a part-time job and crossing you’re fingers that the perfect full-time

Posted in Academic Subjects, Anthropology, Art, Arts & Humanities, Atheletic Training, Business, Central Reading Room, Chemical Engineering & Material Science, Chemistry, Cinema Studies, Communicating Science, Comparative Studies, Computer Science, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Economics, Engineering, Environmental Art, Architecture and Design, Environmental Humanities, Film Studies

The Everyday Joys of Japan

On display at the Jasmine Gallery (Wang Center) through July 5 is an exhibit entitled “The Everyday Joys of Japan,”  in which artist Jiro Osuga illustrates modern daily life in Japan. For those with interest in learning more about Japanese art,

Posted in Art, Asian and Asian American Studies, Japanese Studies, Libraries, Research

Research Anywhere!

Why would anyone try to do research from a mobile phone?  Because it’s always with you, it always has an Internet connection, and the library has the tools you need to find articles, access databases, and other helpful resources. Check

Posted in Databases, eBooks, eJournals, Electronic Resources, Library Technology, Reference, Research

Article of Interest: Open Access & the Creative Commons

Better Sharing Through Licenses? Measuring the Influence of Creative Commons Licenses on the Usage of Open Access Monographs by Ronald Snijder. This article examines the influence of an unrestricted Creative Commons license on scholarly eBook sharing and usage.  From the

Posted in Scholarly Communication

Michael Bailou Huang Elected to IFLA Standing Committee on the Health and Biosciences Libraries Section

Nominated by the American Library Association (ALA), Michael Bailou Huang was elected as a Standing Committee member on the IFLA Health and Biosciences Libraries Section for the term 2015-2019. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the

Posted in Global Initiatives, Health Sciences Library

From treading water to smooth sailing

An article written by Colleen Kenefick and Jennifer A. DeVito, “From Treading Water to Smooth Sailing: Mentoring for New Academic Librarians,” was published in College & Undergraduate Libraries (2015, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p90-96).  The article explores the challenges and benefits

Posted in About Us

Public Access to NSF-funded research

Of interest to Stony Brook University researchers, the National Science Foundation (NSF or Foundation) has developed a plan outlining a framework for activities to increase public access to scientific publications and digital scientific data resulting from research the foundation funds.

Posted in Health Sciences Library, Open Access, Scholarly Communication

Zotero is coming!

Zotero is coming! Have no fear, we will save you! If you are scratching your head wondering what Zotero is, here’s a brief synopsis: Zotero is an easy-to-use web tool that allows you to collect, organize, and cite your references. 

Posted in Events, Library Instruction