On the evenings of November 16 and November 17, 2022, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, SBU librarians and writing tutors offered drop-in Zoom consultations with students who needed extra support on their research papers. Students delved more deeply into discovering their own research and writing processes, and tutors & librarians helped them to find more and better sources, improve citations, organize paragraphs, refine thesis statements, synthesize ideas, and more!
Thank you to Jennifer Albanese, Director of the Writing Center, and Sara Santos and Jake Vincel for their support in running the events. Thank you to librarians Abby Streeter, Chris Kretz, Clara Tran, Jennifer DeVito, and writing tutors, Ayesha Azeem, Dana Golden, Daniel Pariseau, Grace Huang, Isabella Canovas, Jeremy Portnoy, Joshua Gershenson, Kazi Oasima, Leilani Catala, Matt Hono, Shay Maniscalco, Sophie Hoss, and Xiner Jiang for providing the one-on-one consults. Finally thanks to the almost 100 students who came out to make the evenings such productive ones!

Christine Fena
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