Love Who You Love: The University Libraries celebrates Pride Month

Stop by the Central Reading Room to view the PRIDE display.

Commemorating the anniversary of the riots that followed a police raid on The Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Greenwich Village, Pride Month has grown over the last 50 years to become an international month-long celebration raising awareness and showing support for our LGBTQ+ community. Aiming to be an inclusive community, the University Libraries has created a Pride Month display in our Central Reading Room. Included is a brief history of the Stonewall riots that began the movement, photos from celebrations all over the world, and books from our collections – with QR codes that take you directly to those items in our catalog, so you can request them, and begin your Summer reading. Don’t forget to sign the whiteboard at the Central Reading Room entrance to show your support for all our Seawolves!

Jennifer DeVito

Associate Librarian, Director of Access & User Services at Stony Brook University Libraries
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