Stony Brook University Anti-Racism Task Force’s Digital Project

Participate in Our Digital Project

The anti-racism task force, along with student workers and personnel from Stony Brook University Libraries and the Africana Studies department are documenting racial encounters, experiences, and feelings about racial injustice that members of the SBU Community experienced since the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. The focus of this project is to document the resurgence in the fight for racial and social justice that precipitated from the events of May 25, 2020. The task force recognizes the importance and value of recording the stories, essays, poems, oral histories, etc.. for researchers, academics, and community members. We encourage you to contribute your own testimonial be it written or an oral history interview.

We are looking for your experiences documented in the format of your choice, such as: essays, testimonials, poems, song lyrics, etc., in a document file format (PDF preferred). You may submit images as well but they must be accompanied with the documentation listed in the previous sentence. Suggested image file formats are PDF, JPG or JPEG, TIFF, and PNG. Agreement terms and writing prompts are available in the form. We are unable to collect video or audio files at this time. We will be collecting self-submitted digitized documents/images via this Google form

There will also be a collection of oral histories focused on interviews with Stony Brook University students (both undergraduate and graduate). If you are interested in contributing an oral history interview please email: or

All items will be managed and preserved by Stony Brook University Libraries and made open for viewing in an online platform available to the public.

Any file shared with us will be or can be shared outside of this task force. If you would not like your identity to be shared in the online collection you will have the option to declare yourself anonymous in the submission form.

Mona Ramonetti

Mona Ramonetti

Head of Scholarly Communication at University Libraries
Mona is the Interim Associate Dean for Library Technology, Discovery and Digital Initiatives and Head of Scholarly Communication.
Mona Ramonetti

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