Search Help

Find what you need, understand our eResources discovery tools, and get help.

SEARCH is the Stony Brook University Libraries discovery system. It includes results from the Stony Brook University online catalog, hundreds of our research databases, tens of thousands of electronic journals, and other library digital collections.

There are useful tools for filtering and limiting your search results in order to meaningfully manage your research (including catalog-only searching, limiting by location, format & source type, and peer-reviewed).

All research databases offer features and tools in their native interface that provide users with unique research experiences. The SEARCH discovery tool isn’t meant to replace database research, but it offers you an opportunity to discover the results of searches in many databases and the library catalogs in a single search.

See the eBooks guide for links to eBook collections and support.

Research Databases are organized by title, subject (including Health Sciences) and type (including multimedia, reference, primary sources).

Research & Subject Guides include selections of the best databases, journals and other resources for doing effective research, as well as contact information for Library Subject Teams.


We’re here to assist you!  If you have questions or need help with research or finding what you want, please contact us.

Get answers on our interactive FAQ. Feel free to share your comments or suggestions. We are always happy to hear from you.