Blog Archives

French Women Fairy Tale Writers at University Libraries Present: Women’s History Month Colloquium Series

On March 23rd, Dr. Sophie Raynard Leroy presented an introduction to the lives and work of the French women writers of fairy tales who were an integral component of the fairy tale vogue in 1690’s France.  Associate Professor of French

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Events, French

University Libraries Present– French Fairy Tales: When Women Took Over

Join us on March 23 at 1:00 in the Center for Scholarly Communications (2nd floor of the Central Reading Room in Melville Library) for the next event in our month-long colloquium series in honor of Women’s History Month: Dr. Sophie

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Events, French

Update 3/21/16: On-site Reference in the Humanities Building

On-site library reference hours will re-commence in the Humanities Building lobby on Monday, April 4th, 2-3.  We look forward to seeing you then!   Image: By The McClouds from Chicago ‘burbs, USA (New welcome mat from my parents) [CC BY-SA 2.0

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Reference

SBU Libraries Trial Historic Map Works (ProQuest)

Historic Map Works provides access to over 1 million maps and to more than 1 thousand city directories from the United States and abroad.  This searchable collection contains materials from the 15th through 19th centuries.  The SBU Libraries will trial this

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Database Trials, Digital Collections, Electronic Resources, Geosciences, History, Maps

Revised Event — University Libraries Present: Women’s History Month Colloquium Series

The Women’s History Month Colloquium Series talk scheduled for Monday, March 7th will be replaced by a screening of the film, Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of Women, with discussion to follow. The revised event will take place at 12:00

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Environmental Humanities, Events

University Libraries Present: Literary Karaoke Event, 3/2 at 2:00

Join us for a month-long colloquium series in honor of Women’s History Month, with presentations by three Stony Brook University scholars of women’s and gender studies and a literary karaoke event.  All events will be held in the Center for

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Events

University Libraries Present: Women’s History Month Colloquium Series

Join us for a month-long colloquium series in honor of Women’s History Month, with presentations by three Stony Brook University scholars of women’s and gender studies and a literary karaoke event.  All events will be held in the Center for

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Environmental Humanities, French, Women's Studies, Writing and Literature

On-Site Reference in the Humanities Building

Have a question?  On-site reference returns to the Humanities Building on Monday afternoons 2-3, effective January 25th.  Stop by to ask questions, to learn more about the Libraries’ services and collections, and to find out how librarians can help you

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Library Outreach, Reference, Research

The Music of John Lessard: A Tribute Concert

Thursday, October 22 8 pm Recital Hall, Staller Center for the Arts Free Admission Many of Jack Lessard’s scores can be found in the Music Library.  His career as a highly regarded composer spanned 60 years, and he was a

Posted in Arts & Humanities, Music

What You Need To Do While You’re In School

Emily Warren is a Spring 2015 Library Intern.  She will be posting about excellent resources to enhance the undergraduate experience. So, you’re currently taking classes at SBU, while probably working a part-time job and crossing you’re fingers that the perfect full-time

Posted in Academic Subjects, Anthropology, Art, Arts & Humanities, Atheletic Training, Business, Central Reading Room, Chemical Engineering & Material Science, Chemistry, Cinema Studies, Communicating Science, Comparative Studies, Computer Science, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Economics, Engineering, Environmental Art, Architecture and Design, Environmental Humanities, Film Studies