Blog Archives

MLA International Bibliography adds older content

MLA International Bibliography has added nearly 40 years of retrospective content (i.e., bibliographic citations) covering the years from 1926 to 1962.

Posted in Writing and Literature

Reality Checks

Reality can be an interesting source of information. Or is it the other way round? I use the web all the time to find out about the real world. Don’t you? And what I find is “information.” If it isn’t,

Posted in Library Science

Summer Borrowing Privileges

All students (including doctoral candidates) must be registered for the Summer or Fall semester in order to qualify for Summer library borrowing privileges. After registering, it can take 24 to 36 hours for registration information to be reflected on your

Posted in Circulation


Welcome to the University Libraries’ new blog! We’ve packaged together a variety of library happenings in a way that will help you easily stay informed. Each area of our blog has an RSS feed that you can add to your

Posted in Library Outreach

Fiction Connection – a Readers’ Advisory Service now includes a reader’s advisory service called Fiction Connection. Readers can use Fiction Connection to find book suggestions based on books they have already read, authors they like, or topics of interest. Biographies and biographical novels are also included

Posted in Writing and Literature

Washington Information Directory available

Now available online, the Washington Information Directory (WID) has been an essential source for U.S. government and non-governmental organizations for 30 years. WID offers capsule descriptions of these organizations and allows users to quickly and easily find contact people. The

Posted in Government Information