OCLC First Search

Stony Brook University Libraries has canceled our subscription to OCLC First Search effective 7/1/2024 due to issues of outdated technology, increasing costs, and low usage. First Search is a tool for searching WorldCat, but SBU users can still access and use WorldCat to discover resources available at nearby libraries and SBU specifically:

Our library catalog SEARCH is also a great way to search for resources available at SBU and other SUNY schools:

A small percentage (7%) of interlibrary loan requests originated through OCLC FirstSearch. These ILL requests can still be placed through ILLiad. More information about resource sharing can be found here.

Please reach out to LibraryERMS@stonybrook.edu with any questions or concerns.

Kimberly Kennedy

Content Access and Discovery Librarian at Stony Brook University Libraries

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Posted in About Us, Health Sciences Library, Southampton