Open Access Journal Launch: Journal of Network Music and Arts

On Thursday, November 21st, 2019 , Stony Brook University alumnae, Sarah Weaver Ph.D, Stony Brook University’s Margaret Schedel along with Stony Brook University Libraries celebrated the launch of the open access journal JONMA (Journal of Network Music and Art). JONMA is a peer-reviewed open access digital research journal published by Stony Brook University. JONMA publishes research by artists, technologists, educators and related scholars. Its content includes articles, audio and video documentation and reviews for books and recordings. The well attended launch offered the audience insight into the many facets of publishing a journal. Editors, authors and librarians shared their varied experiences. The event was informative and filled with a lot of honesty and laughter. Congratulations are in order for Ms. Weaver, Ms. Schedel and Stony Brook University Libraries! JONMA can be accessed via

Sarah Weaver and Margaret Schedel
Interim Dean of University Libraries, Shafeek Fazal and Sarah Weaver addressing the audience
Mona Ramonetti

Mona Ramonetti

Head of Scholarly Communication at University Libraries
Mona is the Interim Associate Dean for Library Technology, Discovery and Digital Initiatives and Head of Scholarly Communication.
Mona Ramonetti
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