Critical Information Literacy Course a Success

The Fall 2024 launch of LBR 210 (Critical Information Literacy) has come to a successful conclusion. The course, which is a first of its kind, taught students various aspects of information science, with a focus on how power and privilege impacts scholarly communication channels.

Throughout the semester, students learned about different topics including: epistemic injustice, archival bias, and citation justice. The class concluded with group projects that spanned a variety of topics (e.g., media literacy, social justice issues, and impacts of AI) as well as a range of formats (including websites, StoryMaps, podcasts, zines, and video interviews).

We would like to extend thanks to all the students who were willing to take this new course and share their feedback. We hope we can continue to offer this course in the future.

Caterina Reed

Caterina Reed

Academic Engagement Librarian at Stony Brook University Libraries
Caterina Reed
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