The University Libraries has a variety of study rooms for use by SBU students. The study rooms are located in the Central Reading Room, North Reading Room, and the Southampton library. The study rooms can be reserved through an online system, Stony Booked. In order to promote an environment suitable for study, please follow the study room rules.
The University Libraries provides group study rooms in the North and Central Reading Rooms and Southampton, individual study rooms in the Core area of the North Reading Room, and graduate study rooms in the Central Reading Room. These rooms are intended for study. They are not intended to be meeting rooms or for socializing.
Please adhere to the capacity limits for each room. Four study rooms (Core rooms) in the North Reading Room are for individual study. Only one person permitted in the room at a time.
Group study rooms are for group study; 2-6 people are permitted in those rooms.
Graduate study rooms are designated for graduate students. Only one person permitted in the room at a time.
Reserving a study room
Only current Stony Brook University students may reserve study rooms. Use the Stony Booked site or you can scan the QR code located outside the study room. Log in with your NetID.
The study rooms are available during the library’s operating hours until 30 minutes prior to closing.
Graduate and Core Study Rooms: check in at the service desk for the key. Note that the key is checked out to you and is subject to late fines and a $50 replacement charge if the key is lost.
Study Room Policies
- Group Study Rooms: Maximum of 2 hours per group per day, unless no one else is waiting.
- Core Study Rooms: Maximum of 4 hours per week.
- Graduate Study Rooms: 4 hour reservation blocks; maximum of 4 reservations per week.
- Reservations are not transferrable; the person who made the reservation must be present in the study room for the duration of the reservation.
- Reservations that are unclaimed after 15 minutes are subject to cancellation.
- The study rooms are intended to be a quiet place for students to work and study. The purpose is to support academic study, research, and group collaboration.
- Study rooms are for SBU students; they are not open to the general public.
- Furniture must remain in the study room and no furniture is to be added to or removed from the study rooms.
- Students who reserve a study room are responsible for any damage to the room, equipment, or furniture (maximum fine=$1,000). Please report any damage to the service desk immediately.
- Erase the whiteboards when you leave.
- Study rooms are not to be used for classes, meetings, lectures, or department or student organization meetings.
- Inappropriate conduct such as excessive noise, sleeping, sexual acts, fighting, or writing on furniture is not permitted. See the Libraries’ User Code of Responsibility.
- Failure to comply with the Libraries’ User Code of Responsibility and the Study Room Terms & Conditions may result in loss of study room privileges.