Get Your Learn On: Web Research 2.0 Web research is like juggling dynamite: done right it’s spectacular, done wrong it blows up in your face. Learn how to do it right:• 10 rules for effective Web research• Tools and applications…
Get Your Learn On: Web Research 2.0 Web research is like juggling dynamite: done right it’s spectacular, done wrong it blows up in your face. Learn how to do it right:• 10 rules for effective Web research• Tools and applications…
STARS: Finding Books, DVDs and more @ SBU Libraries STARS is Stony Brook’s online catalog of more than 2 million titles, including books, journals, DVDs, CDs, scores, etc. Learn how to:• Find books, journals, DVDs and more• Renew books online•…
All Across the Galaxy: Searching Multiple Resources Simultaneously The library’s new combined search system, Galaxy, allows you to search up to 50 library resources simultaneously. Learn how to use Galaxy to quickly and effectively locate the information you need. Learn…
Take a tour of the Melville Library’s main public service areas. Learn about our collections and services, and get some freebies while you’re here. Meet us @ the Central Reading Room, Melville Library. Tour lasts about 30 minutes. Thursday, February…
New York State employees, including Stony Brook University faculty and staff, can access online journals and databases available from the New York State Library. To enable access, a State Library borrower’s card must be obtained. While there is overlap between…
Almost 1700 titles published online by Springer are now available thanks to the Library’s participation in a new contract sponsored by the NERL (Northeast Research Libraries) Consortium. Each title is linked from the Electronic Journals page and can also be…
from Victor Santiago, North Reading Room While listening to NPR one day, I heard an interview with a woman named Emily Wells. Emily is musician with the rare ability to transcend the genres of Classical music and Hip Hop. As…
The list of library workshops for the Spring 2009 semester is available now at Workshops are free and open to students, faculty and staff at Stony Brook University. New workshops for the Spring include: Extra! Extra! You Can Overcome…
The IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) provides access to almost a third of the world’s current electrical engineering and computer science literature. Content includes full-text access to all IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines; IEEE conference proceedings; IET journals and conference proceedings;…
Want to learn how to search PsycINFO using the online search feature in EndNote? This one minute video demonstration will walk you through how to automatically search PsycINFO from within EndNote. The video tutorial is now available on the Research…