Don’t be tempted to leave your personal items unattended. Using your personal belongings to “save” a seat is risky. Our staff are walking the public areas of the library frequently but that may not be enough to prevent the theft of…
Don’t be tempted to leave your personal items unattended. Using your personal belongings to “save” a seat is risky. Our staff are walking the public areas of the library frequently but that may not be enough to prevent the theft of…
We know it’s tempting. You’ve been studying in the library for hours and are ready for a break. You don’t want to give up your comfortable chair while you run to the restroom or go out for a bite to…
Before you leave for the semester, remember to RETURN or RENEW any items you’ve borrowed from the library. Students must be registered for an upcoming semester to be able to renew. You can renew online, over the phone, or at…
Attention faculty! At the end of each semester, items are removed from the Reserves collection and returned to our shelves or to you if you put a personal copy on Reserve. If you have material on Reserve and wish to…
On Saturday, September 23, 2017, Stony Brook University celebrated its first CommUniversity Day. It was a day to share some of the exciting and innovative offerings available on campus. Members of the University Libraries volunteered their time for the event, highlighting…
Attention faculty: All material is removed from Reserves at the end of each semester. If you have material currently on Reserve and wish to keep it on Reserve for the summer sessions or the Fall semester, please fill out the…
The Stony Brook University Libraries’ Women’s History Month events continued on March 9, 2017 with a presentation by Dr. Patricia Aceves in the Special Collections Seminar Room. Dr. Aceves’ led an engaging talk called “Managing Power & Load: A Primer…
The Stony Brook University Libraries is proud to celebrate Black History Month. Throughout history African Americans have played a crucial role in the health sciences – breaking down existing barriers, and paving the way for others to pursue medical careers…
The Stony Brook University Libraries has arranged for a trial of a new database, History of Feminism. This resources covers the subject of feminism from 1776 through 1928. It includes primary source material and secondary book content as well as…
At the end of each semester, all material that was on reserve for the semester is removed to make way for the upcoming semester’s reserve collection. If you’re planning on using something that is currently on reserve for the winter…