Founded over 45 years ago, Stony Brook University Libraries is one of the youngest research libraries in the country. In this short time, we have grown, matured and launched many new services and technologies. Online technology has afforded our students, faculty and the community the opportunity to research, make interlibrary loan requests and even renew books right from their computers. Our reading rooms are filled from early morning to late at night with students studying, researching, working on our computers, or just socializing.
Our vision for the future is exciting but uncertain due to continued state budget cuts and skyrocketing costs for books, journals and electronic resources. The library community has been supportive in the past and we know that your continued commitment to the library will play a role in securing the future successes, growth and excellence at Stony Brook University Libraries. We invite you to consider your most generous gift in any of the following ways:
Outright Gifts | Matching Gifts | Gifts of Stock | Planned Gifts | Gifts in Kind | Endowed Funds
Outright Gifts
Gifts may be made by check, money order or credit card. The Library accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover:
Checks and money orders should be made payable to the University Libraries/SBF and mailed to:
W1502 Frank Melville, Jr., Memorial Library
Matching Gifts
You may be able to increase the value of your gift if your company or employer has a matching gift program. If you are not sure if there is a matching gift program, please contact University Libraries Development at 631-942-5399 or joan.mccormick@stonybrook.edu and we can assist you.
Gifts of Stock
A gift of appreciated securities may be an advantageous way for individuals to make a gift to the University Libraries by avoiding or reducing capital gains taxes. On the other hand, if you choose to use depreciated securities to make your gift, in most cases it will be more advantageous to sell the shares and give the proceeds to the library. To make a gift of shares of stock, please contact University Libraries Development at 631-942-5399 or joan.mccormick@stonybrook.edu and we can assist you.
Planned Gifts
Planned gifts offer an opportunity to help donors retain or receive income in addition to providing assets to the University Libraries. Please consult your legal and financial advisors to determine the tax advantages of making a planned gift to the libraries. Our Development Director would also be pleased to discuss with you the variety of ways that a planned gift can benefit you and your family as well as the library.
Gifts In Kind
Stony Brook University Libraries appreciates the gifts in kind that have contributed to its comprehensive and renowned research collections.
Gifts in kind are donations of library and archival materials that advance scholarship and Stony Brook University’s research and curricular goals.
Collecting Emphasis
Stony Brook University Libraries is highly selective in its acceptance of gift in kind collections. Only distinctive and unique materials for potential inclusion in Special Collections and University Archives are considered. The areas of collecting emphasis are:
- Primary source materials that document the history of the Long Island region – archives, correspondence, ephemera, maps, manuscripts, maps, photographs, and books.
- Stony Brook University history.
- Rare books and maps.
Contact Us About a Prospective Gift in Kind
If your collection falls within Stony Brook University Libraries’ areas of collecting emphasis, please contact us by email at: distcoll@stonybrook.edu.
Endowed Funds
Endowments are perpetual and give donors the opportunity to support multiple generations of students and faculty, thereby making a lasting impact on Stony Brook. If you are interested in making a “gift that keeps on giving”, please review our Endowment Gift Page for more details.