Research & User Engagement Intern

This internship will introduce the student to a general experience in research service in an academic library including reference, research assistance, bibliographic instruction, publicity, and marketing efforts.


Interns will focus in depth on issues related to reference and research services and help assess these services and make improvements. They will also be introduced to other areas of academic librarianship (technical services, special collections, etc.) and work both independently and collaboratively on interest-driven projects.


Daily work may include:

(a) Instruction: observe and participate in instruction sessions create a workshop; create accompanying pathfinder/libguide/learning objects. Prerequisites: Presentation and organization skills.

(b) Reference: in-person reference desk, virtual reference service. Prerequisite: Research Basics workshop or training on databases–can be done at desk.

(c) Content & User Engagement: Generate content for the University Libraries Blog, develop LibGuides and other instructional materials, participate in research and assessment efforts, promote these efforts to the Stony Brook community. Prerequisites: Experience researching and developing content, WordPress experience a plus.

(d) Publicity & Outreach: Participate in library promotion efforts and generate suggestions on the most effective use of social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) for academic libraries. Prerequisites: Research skills, familiarity with social media tools.


For more information on Stony Brook University Libraries internship opportunities contact:

Pamela Di Pasquale

Sr. Staff Asst. Student Employment / Personnel

University Libraries Personnel Office & Student Employment

Room S1430B, Melville Library

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, NY 11794-3300

(P) 631-632-1598