Writing & Rhetoric, CELT, and University Libraries Join Forces to Foster Writing-to-Learn Skills with Critical AI Literacy

The new AI Innovation Institute Seed Fund Program has approved a grant proposal submitted by Shyam Sharma, Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, Rose Tirotta-Esposito, Director of CELT, and Christine Fena, Undergraduate Success Librarian.

Titled “Fostering Writing-to-Learn Skills with Critical AI Literacy: A Faculty Development and Student Support Program,” this $43K grant project will help interested faculty across campus to update their writing-to-learn assignments, instruction, and assessment toward mitigating AI’s adverse impacts and leveraging its potential. The team will work with partners across campus to design and deliver instructional modules and other learning experiences for both faculty and students throughout 2025, with the goal of developing a more critical understanding of AI technologies and how they might help or hurt the learning that takes place through written assignments.

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