Library AI Club Happy Hour

On July 23. 2024, the University Libraries’ AI Club held its inaugural AI Happy Hour. Attendees were treated to delicious snacks and beverages while participating in AI themed games. The game offerings included JeopIArdy, Boogie Woogie AI Groovin’ and Stony Look: An AI Image Guessing Game. The games were created and developed by the University Libraries’ AI Club members (John Fitzgerald, Victoria Pilato, Matthew Hartman, Timothy Kohn, Chris Kretz, Christine Fena, Deborah Tomengo, Caterina Reed, Bee Farina, Ahmad Pratama, Sherry Chang, Clara Tran, Mona Ramonetti and Joe Lemelin (Dept of Philosophy)). The games not only sparked creativity using AI tools but opportunities to test and explore the capabilities and limitations of AI.

Feel free to reach out to the University Libraries’ AI Club at:

Mona Ramonetti

Mona Ramonetti

Head of Scholarly Communication at University Libraries
Mona is the Interim Associate Dean for Library Technology, Discovery and Digital Initiatives and Head of Scholarly Communication.
Mona Ramonetti
Posted in About Us