Art of the Violin Draws Many Listeners!

The Fall semester’s first Galleria concert, Art of the Violin drew an attentive crowd on Tuesday, October 17 at 1 pm. Students of Professor Jennifer Frautschi performed works by Stamitz, Bach, Beethoven, Paganini, and Saint-Saëns. Our thanks to Professor Frautschi and all students who participated! A special thanks to Dean and Director of Libraries Karim Boughida, Music Department Chair Christina Dahl, and Music Dept. Piano Technician Tom Malenich for making the repair of the Library’s Boston Steinway Baby Grand piano possible!

Gisele Schierhorst

Gisele Schierhorst

Head, Music Library at Stony Brook University Libraries
Gisele is the Head of the Music Library. She is the liaison to Music, Africana Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology.
Gisele Schierhorst

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