NEW Dryad Digital Repository Workshop on April 13th

Are you looking for a place to store and share your research data? Then Dryad may be just the solution you need! 

The Dryad Digital Repository provides a secure generalist platform for users to share their research data with the public, which facilitates compliance with open access policies such as the current NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy, as well as publisher policies. Stony Brook University is now a member of Dryad, which means those affiliated with SBU may use it free-of-charge.

Please join us via Zoom on Thursday, April 13th from 1pm-2pm to learn how to access Dryad, create an account, upload data, and more. Register here.

Jessica Koos

Director of Health Sciences Library at Stony Brook University Libraries
Jessica is the Director of the Health Sciences Library. She is the librarian for the School of Medicine and the Department of Biomedical Informatics.
Posted in Data, Discovery and Digital Initiatives, Health Sciences Library, Research, Scholarly Communication Tagged with: ,