Art of the Violin a great success

The Art of the Violin concert held in the Galleria on 4/12/22 was another resounding success.  Seated listeners and passersby were treated to works by Sergei Prokofiev, Jessie Montgomery and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  The violinists and pianists who performed were welcomed with cheers and applause. 

A special thank you to violin faculty member Jennifer Frautschi for coordinating her students and accompanists for these highly anticipated and appreciated events each semester!  We look forward to more Art of the Violin concerts in the fall!  

Gisele Schierhorst

Gisele Schierhorst

Head, Music Library at Stony Brook University Libraries
Gisele is the Head of the Music Library. She is the liaison to Music, Africana Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology.
Gisele Schierhorst

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