SBU Libraries to Enter Their First Roth Regatta!

This Friday the Stony Brook University Libraries are attempting something never before attempted in the history of the Stony Brook University Libraries – entering a boat in the annual Roth Pond Regatta!  Staff members throughout campus have been showing their pride in the occasion by donating supplies and money to help the team of volunteers create a viable entry for the race, which will hopefully not sink upon initial contact with the water. 

The Regatta, which has been held annually for the past 23 years, invites students, faculty and staff members to create a boat out of nothing more than cardboard, duct tape and paint.  Needless to say, the opportunities for blooper footage are endless on the day of the event.  Each year there is a theme that ties the whole event together, and this year is no different.  Every participating boat for this race must somehow fit into the category of 90’s pop culture.  After much research and light-hearted debate, the library decided on what will surely be the winning boat design.  We encourage all you library lovers to come to the Roth Pond on April 27th, at 11am, to cheer on our team as we proudly represent the University Libraries.

We will cry if this sinks.

Janet Clarke

Janet Clarke

Associate Dean, Research & User Engagement at Stony Brook University Libraries
Janet Clarke
Posted in Events, Library Outreach, Stony Brook University